Innovations by Faculty in Teaching and Learning

SNO Name of the Course Name of the FacultyInnovative Methods Used
1Web TechnologiesS Joshua JohnsonProject Based Learning
2Cryptography and Network SecurityG V EswarActivity Based Learning
3Software EngineeringS A BhavaniActivity Based Learning
4Microprocessor and InterfacingS PratapProblem Based Learning
5Database Management SystemK SureshActivity Based Learning
6Compiler DesignG Gowri PushpaProblem Based Learning
7Computer NetworksP Naga SrinivasActivity Based Learning
8Data Sstructures and AlgorithmsV AnushaActivity Based Learning
9OOPS with JavaDr. R SivaranjaniActivity Based Learning
10Hardware LabB Ravi KiranCooperative Learning
11Operating SystemK Chandra SekharActivity Based Learning